20 Media Publications (a selection from the archive)
Computer Graphics - Computer Art
Herbert Franke
Phaidon Press 1971
New Media 1740 - 1915
Ed. Lisa Gitelman and Geoffrey Pingree
The Mit Press - 2003
Science and Technology in Art
Today - Jonathan Benthall
Thames and Hudson - 1972
The New Media Reader
Ed. Noah Wardrip - Fruin and Nick Montfort
The Mit Press - 2003
Digital Visions - Computers and Art - Cynthia Goodman
Harry N. Abrams - 1987
Digital Art
Christiane Paul
Thames and Hudson 2003
Digital Dialogues - Photography in the Age of Cyberspace - Derek Bishton
Ten. 8 - 1991
Internet Art - Rachel Greene
Thames and Hudson - 2004
art of the electronic age - Frank Popper
Thames and Hudson - 1993
Beyond the Image Machine - a history of visual technologies - David Tomas
Continuum - 2004
Electronic Culture - Technology and Visual Representation Timothy Druckrey
Aperture - 1996
digital currents:
art in the electronic age
Margot Lovejoy
Routledge - 2004
The Digital Dialectic - New Essays in New Media
Pete Lunenfeld
The Mit Press 1999
Soft Cinema: navigating the database
Lev Manovich, Andreas Kratky
The Mit Press 2005
Snap to Grid - A User’s Guide to Digital Arts, Media and Cultures - Peter Lunenfeld
The Mit Press - 2000
Imagery in the 21st Century
Ed. Oliver Grau
The Mit Press - 2011
The Reconfigured Eye - Visual Truth in the Post-Photographic Era - William J. Mitchell
The Mit Press - 2001
Art + Science Now
Stephen Wilson
Hames and Hudson - 2012
The Language of New Media - Lev Manovich
The Mit Press - 2001
Software Takes Command
Lev Manovich
Bloomsbury Academic 2013